We are well versed in structured finance products and are ready to assist you in several product areas, including
Patent Infringement Litigation Funding Facilities
- Arrange patent infringement litigation financing for patent owners and inventors through multiple investor relationships
- Strong relationships with leading IP law firms, consultants, and damages experts to facilitate the financing
Warehouse Credit Facilities
- Arrange warehouse financing through multiple lending relationships
- Strong relationships with commercial banks, hedge funds, and asset managers providing asset-backed credit facilities
Private Placements
- Structure and place term asset-backed securities (rated or non-rated)
- Raise junior capital for clients via private placements of subordinated debt and equity
- Strong relationship with fixed income sales partners to optimize transaction execution
Financial Advisory
- Corporate cash flow modeling, loan portfolio valuations, asset-backed securities valuations, bond analytics
- Assist in re-negotiating and/or amending credit facilities
- Merger & acquisition advisory
- General corporate and strategic advisory
Whole Loan Trading
- Strong relationships with buyers of multiple asset types including residential mortgage loans, commercial real estate loans, auto loans, and various other types of consumer receivables
- Assists clients in selling and purchasing whole loan pools (run analytics, investor presentation, bid process)
- Identify buyers of whole loan pools and assist in closing transactions